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Keith GrandberryKeith Grandberry

Having worked on national and international projects, Keith Grandberry brings a wide variety of experience to the Roundtable.

A graduate of University of North Carolina, Greensboro, Grandberry began his career with WFMY in Greensboro NC. Keith also hosted a cable show called Who's Who in the Piedmont that highlighted issues and leaders in their respective communities. In addition, he worked with the local Big Brothers, Big Sisters as the Volunteer Coordinator. During this time he implemented a program for men of color that was named Committee of the Year by the Governor of North Carolina.

Because of his commitment to community development, Grandberry took the challenge as consultant for Big Brothers, Big Sisters of America as Urban Specialist. His project included enhancing recruitment efforts for men of color, creating diversity plans for affiliates and their boards and implementing corporate outreach strategies nationally.

After Keith's consulting commitment to Big Brothers, Big Sisters of America, he was hired by former White House Advisor Bob Brown to work with the international consultant firm B & C Associates. After leaving B & C Associates, Keith created the "Get out the Vote" and policy plans with various political candidates throughout the country and became a regional director for America's Families United, a voter registration and education foundation that funded various organizations around the country during the last presidential election.

In 2006, Keith was named President and CEO of the Winston-Salem Urban League.