January 4th / 6th, 2008
"Longworth Takes Coble Opponent to Task"
Over the years, as host of Triad Today, I have given free air time to as
many candidates in key races as possible, including gubernatorial candidates in
2004, and congressional candidates in ’04 and ’06. We even followed those
congressional interviews with half-hour debates leading up to primaries and
general elections. It is because of this commitment to voter education that
Triad Today received the prestigious Spectrum of Democracy Award.
As such, I have always tried to go into these discussions and debates
without prejudice for or against any candidate. I have also withheld my
endorsements until after all candidates had appeared (or had been given the
opportunity to appear) on Triad Today. This year, however, I am breaking with that
tradition, and ruling out one contestant in the 6th Congressional race early on.
So far, the North Carolina Democratic Party recognizes two major candidates
in the field to unseat Rep. Howard Coble. One is Johnny Carter, a
Summerfield business man, and the other is Jay Ovittore, a young house painter.
Carter seems to be a serious-minded, respectful man with well-thought-out
positions. Ovittore, meanwhile, has demonstrated that he lacks the maturity to walk
the halls of Congress.
Noting that Coble had missed two votes on August 4th and 5th, Ovittore told the
Greensboro News and Record, “I noticed him [Coble] leaving early at times…
maybe it was past his bed time”. Jay’s caustic attempt at humor fell short
for a number of reasons. First it was a cruel jab at Coble’s advanced age (he
is 76-years-old). And, second, it was deliberately misleading. Coble told
the News and Record that he had a “constituent appointment” already on the
books for those two days, but that he had checked with the House Whip in
advance to make sure his absence would not affect the outcome of the scheduled
Everyone is entitled to a slip of the tongue now and then, but Ovittore’s
remark was calculated and revealing, and it should tell us all we need to know
about this youngster.
Coble’s last opponent, Rory Blake, was gracious and intelligent. He and
Coble showed each other respect, and engaged in constructive discourse about
the issues. In contrast, Ovittore has blown his chance of being taken
seriously. That’s why if I host a debate on Triad Today for 13th District
candidates, Ovitorre will not be invited.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m no prude when it comes to politics. The fact is I
have presided over some pretty spirited political debates including the now
famous Vernon Robinson/Virginia Foxx primary skirmish. But the one thing we
never allowed on our broadcasts were personal attacks or rude behavior from
any candidate toward another.
Ovittore’s childish and mean-spirited joke has now cost him an opportunity
for free air time on Triad Today, and, more importantly, it may have cost him
any substantive support from Democratic voters who realize that Coble has
been a hard-working Representative, and was the first Republican to stand up to
George Bush about troop withdrawals in Iraq. Of course, Howard doesn’t need
my help to get re-elected. That’s because he generally wins with about 70%
of the total vote. Still, I thought it was important to send a message to
candidates throughout the region that personal attacks and cruel insults are not
appreciated, and might prove costly this November.
Assuming Coble dispatches all comers this fall, he is then expected to
retire from Congress in 2010. But, if he wants to stay a little longer, that’s
OK with me. I’d rather have someone representing me who is 76 and has the
energy of a 25-year-old, than someone who is 25 and has the demeanor of a ten-year-old.