
March 20th / 22nd, 2009
"NC Needs Total RECALL"
Following a series of administrative transgressions by Governor Bev Perdue,
my mind wandered back to 2003, when citizens of California voted to recall
their Chief Executive.
At that time, Gray Davis had lost the confidence of his constituents for
several reasons. First, he presided over a budget-strapped government. Second,
he was associated with some questionable fundraising activities. And third,
he didn’t prevent, nor did he effectively deal with, fraud by energy companies
who plagued the state with rolling blackouts (later it was learned that
Enron had a hand in manipulating power grids for profit). Davis was recalled
and Arnold Schwarzenegger succeeded him by way of a special election. It was
the first gubernatorial recall in California history, but not the first in
our nation’s history. That dubious honor belonged to North Dakota’s Lynn
Frazer in 1921.
As we witnessed with the saga of Illinois’ Rod Blagojevich, state lawmakers
have their own way of ousting a governor who might be guilty of criminal
wrong doing. But a recall is the people’s remedy for replacing a governor
anytime they think he (or she) is doing a bad job. Having said that, recalls are
rare. Long before Gray Davis was shown the door, Californians attempted to
recall Ronald Reagan, Pat and Jerry Brown, and Pete Wilson. None of those
efforts were successful, however, proving that voters know how to gauge
malfeasance, then act accordingly.
The problem is that recalling a governor is only legal in a handful of
states, of which North Carolina is not one. It’s too bad, because we deserve
that right, and could have exercised it on any number of occasions over the
past eight years.
Mike Easley would have been particularly vulnerable for any of the following
- Pushing through the $282 million incentive deal for Dell before
lawmakers had time to examine the details, and doing so when our competition
(Virginia) only put $37 million dollars on the table. Easley’s irresponsible
actions facilitated additional perks from Forsyth County, and Dell ended up
with a sweetheart deal worth over $330 million dollars, which included being
allowed to lay off up to 40% of its workforce without forfeiting a penny of
the incentives.
- Caving in to Chinese computer maker Lenovo who demanded $14 million
in incentives, including a $750,000 grant paid up front.
- Denying media access to government emails (Easley reversed his policy
on his last day in office).
- Failing to act in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina when damage to
gas pipelines temporarily affected supply . Easley could have followed the
lead of Georgia’s Governor, and suspended gasoline taxes. He could have also
cracked down on price gougers. In the end, Easley did nothing but fly down to
his beach house in Southport for a vacation.
- Doing nothing to curb the onslaught of illegal aliens, or deal with the
hardships that illegal immigration puts on our police, schools, courts, and
- Naming his political puppet Britt Cobb to step in as Commissioner of
Agriculture and Consumer Services after Meg Scott Phipps went to prison. Easley
should have tapped Steve Troxler for the post since it was Troxler who was
robbed of the office by Phipp’s misdeeds.
- Failing to take a stand on prosecutorial abuse in the Duke Lacrosse
case. Easley, himself a former Attorney General, should have been out front
early on this issue instead of allowing District Attorney Nifong to ruin so many lives and
- Pushing through a gas tax hike of 2.8 cents per gallon, making North
Carolina the sixth most expensive state in which to fill up your tank.
- Spending taxpayer monies extravagantly while on vacation with his wife
in Italy. Easley claimed he was on an economic development junket.
- Allowing N.C. State University to give his wife (a state employee) a
$79,000 raise not long before he was to leave office.
Easley’s misdeeds and lack of transparency came in dribs and drabs, and,
taken individually, none were as sensational as trying to sell a Senate seat.
But, collectively they did great harm to our State and its citizens. Had we
the right to recall him, Easley might have been in for an early exit.
And that brings me to Bev Perdue. At first glance she comes off as a meek,
petite, honey-talking southern belle, but behind that façade, she is as
elusive, arrogant, and power-hungry as her predecessor. In less than three
months on the job she has distinguished herself in a number of ways:
- She used lottery funds to pay for existing school projects when the law is
clear that such monies are to be used for “new” school projects and
Then, she robbed the NC Education Lottery piggy bank to help make up a
shortfall in the State’s overall budget.
- She has taken no action to curb the practice of industry incentives, nor has
she formulated a single plan to deal with the problem of illegal
- She also hasn’t shown any desire to reform abuses by health insurers
who keep increasing premiums and then denying coverage when it suits them.
- Bev also usurped the authority of a constitutionally-elected officer of the
State when she appointed her own person to oversee the State Board of
Education, even though over two million people voted for June Atkinson to do that
- Finally, last week, Perdue seized control of our $787 million Rainy
Day Fund, something she’s only supposed to do if the legislature is not in
As such, Perdue is already on track to surpass Easley’s record of strong-arm
governance. That’s why we need a referendum to amend the Constitution so
that North Carolinians will have the right to recall her if need be. Without
that right, we must suffer through a full four years before we can make a
course correction.
Opponents of a recall say it isn’t necessary because we should stand by the
majority vote and just let our governors fill out their rightful terms. In
other words, “We made our bed, now we have to lie in it”. The problem is, I
just don’t want to lie in bed with Bev Perdue any longer than I have to. Who
knows, maybe a recall isn’t the best solution. Maybe we just need an