May 8th / 10th
"Hanesbrands & Swines Share Spotlight"
Last week Hanesbrands announced it was eliminating another 440 jobs from
the local workforce, saying the move was caused by “…reduced consumer
spending… during a bleak economy”. If the situation wasn’t so tragic, I
would be doubled over with derisive laughter. Of course consumer spending is
down. That’s what happens when people lose their jobs. Of course the
economy is bleak. That’s what happens when skanky companies like Hanesbrands
keep moving those jobs overseas where they can pay slave wages with no
benefits in order to improve the bottom line.
But unlike Dell, who cloaks its lay-offs in secrecy, Hanesbrands openly
and unashamedly continues to fire Americans in broad daylight, and send their
jobs to third world countries. Last week’s announcement by HBI added
particular insult to injury by not directing the lay-offs to come from its
foreign plants first, before further decimating the local workforce. And
through it all, after two years of this unpatriotic crap, Hanesbrands
management seems to be getting a free pass from just about everyone, which is very
strange, given the anger most Americans feel toward greedy corporations
these days. That HBI keeps profiting and pillaging in today’s post AIG
environment is almost surreal. In fact, this saga has evolved into sort of a
full blown morality play, featuring five distinct groups of actors:
A-holes, Apologists, Apathists, Academics, and Antagonists.
The A-holes are played expertly by greedy executives who have orchestrated
a deliberate downsizing since the day their company split from Sara Lee.
CEO Richard Noll’s oft-quoted line from 2006 has become the stuff of
legends, when he promised that Hanesbrands would “always be a major employer in
Forsyth County, and have a strong community presence here.”
But the only reason Hanesbrands is still a presence here at all is because
Knoll and his minions don’t want to live in a third world country where
the rest of their employees are toiling. Speaking of which, Noll has now
eliminated nearly 15,000 jobs in the United States and moved those jobs to
countries where he can pay slave wages for the manufacture of underwear that he
can then ship back to America, and sell to unemployed Hanesbrands workers
at higher prices than ever before.
Among the Apologists, Chamber President Gayle Anderson is the most vocal.
Anderson’s best apology to date was last week when she told Richard Craver
of the Winston-Salem Journal that Hanesbrands continues to support the
local economy with “leadership and volunteerism”. Leadership and
First of all, corporate greed is not leadership. Stripping retirees of
their subsidized medical benefits is not leadership. Second, what exactly is
the economic value in having thousands of unemployed volunteers living in
the community?
When it comes to Apathy, no one excels better than the electronic media.
TV News departments continue to broadcast whatever lame, diversionary
statement is made by Hanesbrands spokespersons without even taking time to
challenge those statements. Yes, I realize that corporate owned news gatherers
are short on staff these days, and that a reporter is not supposed to
render opinions, but that doesn’t justify not probing the story or the source.
Hanesbrands is no longer a major employer in America. It is a major
pirate who has robbed the country of high paying jobs, and helped to contribute
to our current economic downturn. That’s news.
Hanesbrands executives continue to make huge salaries while laying off
workers. That’s news.
Hanesbrands is abusing the spirit of the Federal Trade Adjustment
Assistance Act (recently renamed the Trade and Globalization Adjustment Assistance
Act) by filing claims on behalf of the employees it has screwed, and
expecting taxpayers to foot the bill for up to 156 weeks of cash payments and
training for each affected worker. That’s news.
Two years ago Hanesbrands only employed 350 people in China, but today
that number has risen to over 6,000. That’s news.
Richard Noll has shut down 30 American plants in the past two years. That’
s news.
Noll eliminated subsidized medical benefits for retirees, leaving
thousands of families without adequate coverage. That’s news.
And it’s news when a company says it must make cuts in its workforce, but
only makes those cuts here in the United States, rather than in Central
America or Asia. It wasn’t that long ago when the national news media
launched blistering attacks on Kathy Lee Gifford for putting her name on a line
of clothing made by slave wage laborers. But today, the news media is too
apathetic to investigate those same abuses by Hanesbrands.
Academics, like Michael Lord of Wake Forest University, are the least of
the offenders in this play, but you’d think they could be a little less
dispassionate about the damage Hanesbrands is doing. Instead we are treated to
analysis of numbers and trends which concludes that job losses are the
result of a competitive global market. These guys should know better. They
of all people should know that Hanesbrands management isn’t just re-acting
to depressed global conditions, they are creating those conditions
Finally, there are the antagonists. Unfortunately, this is the smallest
group of actors in the Hanesbrands drama. Only Richard Craver, Journal
columnist Scott Sexton, and myself offer any substantive challenge to the
economic terrorism that Richard Noll is perpetrating on our homeland.
The antagonists are also struck by the irony of Noll’s words versus his
actions, and that includes language on the HBI website which states, “
Hanesbrands strives to attract and retain great people with a passion to do their
best, guided by the high ethical standards fitting one of the world’s
apparel leaders”.
And then there’s the website of Syrus Global, the leading provider of
ethics and compliance solutions, which is headed by Hanesbrands Board member
Alice Peterson. Their corporate slogan comes from ancient philosopher
Publilius Syrus who said, “a good reputation is more valuable than money”. Old
Publilius must be spinning in his tomb. And I wonder what he would have
said about the irony and juxtaposition of last week’s media coverage. That’
s when the announcement by Hansebrands was overshadowed by news of the
swine flu.
If I were a philosopher, my observation of this saga would suffice for two-legged
and four-legged swine alike, “Diseased pigs do harm when people
fail to stop them”.
Translation? Don’t buy pork, and don’t buy Hanes
Eventually the curtain will come down on this long-running morality play,
but by then the A-hole producers will have profited handsomely. And when
that curtain does finally fall, it will fall hardest on those who sweated
blood for a once-great production. In the meantime, it’s up to each of us
to decide to which category of actors we belong.