June 20th / 22nd, 2008
"Unfortunately, Barack Obama is a Fraud"
I detest disclaimers, but for those of you who have never read one of my
columns or watched my TV show, be advised: I am not a Republican or a
Democrat. I am an Independent, and I attack candidates of both parties with equal
zeal. And that brings me to the young hypocrite, Barack Obama.
Senator Obama has promoted his Presidential campaign as being inclusive of
all people. Sort of a “No Voter Left Behind” approach. He says all of the
right things, and makes all of the right promises. But underneath the
touchy-feely rhetoric is a man who has risen to power on a fast track provided him
by a notorious political machine, and he has stepped on anyone who got in his
path along the way.
Recently, Obama stood by and allowed the DNC to steal half of Hillary’s
votes in Michigan and Florida. Then he endorsed a plan that awarded him 100% of
the unaffiliated votes in Michigan. Those two actions gave Obama the
But how could a man who preaches unanimity and inclusiveness help to
disenfranchise millions of voters in his own party? I didn’t fully understand
that myself until CNN brought to light Obama’s tactics during his first
legislative campaign back in 1996.
As a rookie, Obama was to face off against two well known Democratic
opponents (both African American) in the primary, one of whom was incumbent Alice
The first thing Obama did was to have his staff review the petitions of his
opponents. At that time, candidates were required to gather 757 signatures
in order to get their name on the ballot in Chicago. Both of Obama’s
opponents had collected well over a thousand signatures each, but Barack challenged
the validity of the petitions. Soon thereafter, the Board of Elections
disallowed hundreds of people who had only printed their name, rather than writing
it. Palmer and the other contenders came up short (some by as few as 60
names), and they were denied an opportunity to rectify the problem, which they
didn’t even realize was a problem in the first place. Obama’s name was the
only one on the ballot, so he won the Democratic primary by default, then won
the general election easily in a Democratic controlled district.
David Jackson and Ray Long of the Chicago Tribune wrote, ”A close
examination of Obama’s first campaign clouds the image he has cultivated throughout
his political career. The man now running for President on a message of giving
a voice to the voiceless first entered public office not by leveling the
playing field, but by clearing it.”
Once in the Illinois State Senate, Obama sat for six years having passed no
legislation until Emil Jones ascended to the post of Majority leader and
decided to fast track Barack for higher office. In a period of one year, Jones
took bills that were about to pass, and high jacked them from other
legislators so that he could attach Obama’s name to them. These included bills on:
children’s health insurance; establishing an earned income tax credit for low
income families; requiring public bodies to videotape closed-door meetings; and, requiring
police to videotape interrogations of homicide suspects. If these bills sound
familiar they should. Obama frequently refers to them in his Presidential
stump speeches whenever he wants to display his street cred for getting
legislation passed.
Illinois State Senator Rickey Hendon was the original sponsor of the racial
profiling and videotaped confession bills only to have them snatched away by
Jones and handed to Obama. Hendon told Todd Spivak of the Houston Press, “I
took all the beatings and insults, and endured all the racist comments over
the years from nasty Republican committee chairmen. Barack didn’t have to
endure any of it, yet, in the end, he got all the credit. I don’t consider it
bill-jacking, but no one wants to carry the ball 99 yards all the way to the
one-yard line, and then give it to the halfback who gets all the credit and
the stats in the record book.”
But that’s what happened, and Obama rode that undeserved glory into a run
for the U.S. Senate in 2003.
In that race, Democrat frontrunner Blair Hall had the nomination in the bag
when, just by some coincidence, a few weeks prior to the election, the
records of Hull’s divorce were unsealed, revealing charges that his ex-wife made
regarding physical abuse. Hull’s numbers plummeted and Obama sneaked into the
Democratic nomination.
Barack was slated to face GOP millionaire Jack Ryan in the general election.
But Ryan was forced to drop out of the race when a Judge suddenly decided to
unseal his divorce records, which revealed charges from his ex that he had
tried to make her perform sex acts in public.
The GOP couldn’t come up with a viable replacement that late in the game
(they recruited Alan Keyes) and Obama won the election in a landslide,
appearing to be the Mr. Clean candidate.
The question is, how did a young lawyer in Chicago know to challenge
petitions in his first campaign? And, how was he able to have those petitions
thrown out on a technicality so that his opponents would have no opportunity to
How is it that divorce records of his opponents were suddenly and
conveniently unsealed just in time for him to win a U.S. Senate seat which he had no
chance of winning?
Probably because the Daley machine was behind Obama, and, with the help of
Majority Leader Jones, was able to fast track Barack for stardom. Daley is
the Mayor of Chicago and son of Richard Daley, the late king maker who
allegedly helped the Kennedys steal Illinois from Nixon in the 1960 election.
I have no idea what Daley and his cronies stand to gain from putting Obama
in the White House, and I don’t care. That’s because the really scary part
of Obama’s meteoric rise to power isn’t speculation about being in the
pocket of a political machine, but that his rise was manufactured, and that, along
the way, he or his backers helped to dispose of Barack’s opponents by hook
or by crook.
Obama’s theft of unaffiliated votes in Michigan now seems to fit a pattern.
And, his idle acceptance of the DNC’s decision to deny Hillary her 190
votes in Michigan and Florida demonstrate his propensity for dirty politics. Had
Clinton been awarded the votes from those two states she would have pulled
into a virtual tie with Obama, and the so-called super delegates would have
been hard pressed not to award the nomination to a woman who garnered more
popular vote than any primary candidate in history.
Obama has managed to charm his audiences and the media alike, none of who
seems to be aware of their hero’s past. Harold Lucas, a community
organizer in Chicago told Todd Spivak, “He’s (Obama) been given a pass. His career
has been such a meteoric rise that he has not had time to set a record.”
Spivak went on to publish a story about this phenomena which included
interviews with a number of Chicago-based African American leaders such as Lucas,
and all were critical of Obama. In February of this year, Spivak reported in
an on-line column that the day after his story ran, Obama called him and was
“I started to speak”, wrote Spivak, “and he shouted me down.”
The harsh reality is that Barack Obama didn’t deserve to win his first seat
in the Illinois State Senate. He didn’t deserve to win his seat in the
United States Senate. And, he didn’t deserve to win the nomination in this year’
s Presidential primary.
He got where he is by having voter petitions disqualified, by taking credit
for legislation which he didn’t pass, by benefitting from mysteriously
unsealed court documents of his opponents, and by allowing over 2 million voters to
be disenfranchised.
I don’t care about Richard Daley. I don’t care about Reverend Wright.
And I certainly don’t care about the color of Barack’s skin (I worked for
and with Governor Doug Wilder, and I supported Colin Powell for President).
What I do care about is that many Americans cannot bring themselves to vote
for John McCain (myself included) and are poised to elect Obama to the White
House based on credentials and ethics which he does not really possess.
As an Independent I have voted for Ralph Nader in previous Presidential
elections, so it won’t be difficult for me to go that way again. I’m only
sorry that I can’t justify voting for Obama. I wanted to believe that he was
the real deal, but now I know he’s just another political hack. Even worse, he
is a fraud.
It’s not too late for Democrats to embrace the truth about Obama, and
release all delegates to take a floor vote at the convention. But that won’t
happen. True to form, Obama has already had Hillary eliminated, and his
machine isn’t about to let her be resurrected. Barack doesn’t know how to
win anything fair and square. Why should he start now?