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Table of Contents

June 2008

Week 4:
June 27th / 29th
"Obama Keeps Changing"
Week 4:
June 27th / 29th
"Time to Reign In Government Bullies"
Week 3:
June 20th / 22nd
"Unfortunately, Barack Obama is a Fraud"
Week 2:
June 13th / 15th
"Kaplan Should Go, McCoy Should Stay"
Week 1:
June 6th / 8th
"McClellan Tattles Too Late"

May 2008

Week 5:
May 30th / June 1st
"Robert Morse is My New Hero"
Week 4:
May 23rd / 25th
"Florida May Haunt Democrats Again"
Week 3:
May 16th / 18th
No commentary for this week.
Week 2:
May 9th / 11th
No commentary for this week.
Week 1:
May 2nd / 4th
"Civic Leaders Shouldn’t Defend Hanesbrands"

April 2008

Week 4:
April 25th / 27th
"Pope Benedict is a Lying Hypocrite"
Week 3:
April 18th / 20th
"Picks and Pans for Governor"
Week 2:
April 11th / 13th
"Skybus Leaves. So, Too Should PTI Executives"
Week 2:
April 11th / 13th
"Arts Council Should Refuse Hanesbrands Money"
Week 1:
April 4th / 8th
"John McCain is Not Our ‘Friend’"

March 2008

Week 4:
March 28th / 30th
No commentary for this week.
Week 3:
March 21st / 23rd
"Hanesbrands CEO has Millions of Dollars, Zero Ethics"
Week 2:
March 14th / 16th
"Nader’s Crusade is Necessary"
Week 1:
March 7th / 9th
"George Bush: The Six Trillion Dollar Man"

February 2008

Week 5: February
29th / March 2nd
"McCain and New York Times Are Both Guilty"
Week 4:
February 22nd / 24th
"Delegate System Not So Super & Must Be Changed"
Week 3:
February 15th / 17th
"Bad Boy Bobby Bows Out"
Week 2:
February 8th / 10th
"Woman’s Right to Choose at Stake"
Week 1:
February 1st / 3rd
"White House Guilty of Lethal Lies"

January 2008

Week 4:
January 25th / 27th
"Hanesbrands Goes on Panty Raid"
Week 3:
January 18th / 20th
"The Ugly Truth About New Hampshire"
Week 2:
January 11th / 13th
"Moneychangers Making Too Much Money"
Week 1:
January 4th / 6th
"Longworth Takes Coble Opponent to Task"

Table of Contents for January-September 2013

Table of Contents for July-December 2012

Table of Contents for January-June 2012

Table of Contents for July-December 2011

Table of Contents for January-June 2011

Table of Contents for July-December 2010

Table of Contents for January-June 2010

Table of Contents for July-December 2009

Table of Contents for January-June 2009

Table of Contents for July-December 2008

Table of Contents for January-June 2008

Table of Contents for January-June 2008

Table of Contents for July-December 2007

Table of Contents for January-June 2007

Table of Contents for September-December 2006