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Table of Contents

June 2009

Week 4:
June 26th / 28th
"A Respite from Controversy"
Week 3:
June 19th / 21st
No commentary for this week.
Week 2:
June 12th / 14th
"Church and State at Odds"
Week 1:
June 5th / 7th
"Barack the ‘Cave’ Man"

May 2009

Week 5:
May 29th / 31st
No commentary for this week.
Week 4:
May 22nd / 24th
"Easleys’ Tangled Web Coming Unraveled"
Week 3:
May 15th / 17th
"GOP Could Learn from Kemp’s Legacy"
Week 2:
May 8th / 10th
"Hanesbrands & Swines Share Spotlight"
Week 1:
May 1st / 3rd
"Dodge Ball Bans are Ludicrous"

April 2009

Week 4:
April 24th / 26th
"GOP Aroused by Sex Ed"
Week 3:
April 17th / 19th
"Klansman's Apology Rings Hollow"
Week 2:
April 10th / 12th
"Stadium Delays Must End"
Week 1:
April 3rd / 5th
"Obama Plan Won’t End CEO Greed"

March 2009

Week 4:
March 27th / 29th
"Dell Too Big For Its Breaches"
Week 3:
March 20th / 22nd
"NC Needs Total RECALL"
Week 2:
March 13th / 15th
"Donut (A) Holes Get Sweet Deal"
Week 1:
March 6th / 8th
"National Cowards and Racist Humor"

February 2009

Week 4:
Feb. 27th / Mar. 1st
"Racial Merger Stirs Controversy"
Week 3:
February 20th / 22nd
"Peanut CEO is a Serial Killer"
Week 2:
February 13th / 15th
"Atkinson vs. Perdue: Voters Need Not Apply"
Week 1:
February 6th / 8th
"Obama’s Double Standard"

January 2009

Week 5:
Jan. 30th / Feb. 1st
"Legal Stealing May End Soon"
Week 4:
January 23rd / 25th
"Black Coaches Victims of Jim Crow"
Week 3:
January 16th / 18th
"Abe, Barack, and the Inauguration"
Week 2:
January 9th / 11th
"Burr, and Cooper, and Moore, Oh My!"
Week 1:
January 2nd / 4th
No commentary for this week.

Table of Contents for January-September 2013

Table of Contents for July-December 2012

Table of Contents for January-June 2012

Table of Contents for July-December 2011

Table of Contents for January-June 2011

Table of Contents for July-December 2010

Table of Contents for January-June 2010

Table of Contents for July-December 2009

Table of Contents for January-June 2009

Table of Contents for July-December 2008

Table of Contents for January-June 2008

Table of Contents for January-June 2008

Table of Contents for July-December 2007

Table of Contents for January-June 2007

Table of Contents for September-December 2006