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Table of Contents

June 2011

Week 4:
June 24th / 26th
"The Last Picture Show Celebrates Anniversary"
Week 3:
June 17th / 19th
"Doctor Obama's 'Bump in the Road'"
Week 2:
June 10th / 12th
"Peter the Great: The Man Who Slept With Frankenstein"
Week 1:
June 3rd / 5th
"Weiner Roast : Battle of the Bulge"

May 2011

Week 4:
May 27th / 29th
"Time for Median Hawkers to Go Away"
Week 3:
May 20th / 22nd
"County Commissioners Should Pony-Up for PART"
Week 2:
May 13th / 15th
"Bush, bin Laden, Obama, and the Royal Wedding"
Week 1:
May 6th / 8th
"Happy Days Lawsuit May Reform Hollywood"

April 2011

Week 5:
April 29th / May 1st
"Fishing for Memories Helps Kids Tackle Alzheimer's"
Week 4:
April 22nd /24th
"Urban League Making a Difference in Tough Times"
Week 3:
April 15th / 17th
"Time for NC to Offer Free College Education"
Week 2:
April 8th / 10th
"Time for Public Employees to Pay for Health Insurance"
Week 1:
April 1st / 3rd
"My Encounters with Elizabeth Taylor"

March 2011

Week 4:
March 25th / 27th
"Hanesbrands CEO Raise is Obscene"
Week 3:
March 18th / 20th
"Kernersville Medical Center Arrives"
Week 2:
March 11th / 13th
"Anniversary of DUI Death Looms Large"
Week 1:
March 4th / 6th
No commentary for this week.

February 2011

Week 4:
February 25th / 27th
"Vick's Transformation is a Sham"
Week 3:
February 18th / 20th
"Bev Perdue Should Resign (part 2)"
Week 2:
February 11th / 13th
"New Pet Abuse Laws are Needed"
Week 1:
February 4th / 6th
"The Kennedys Censor 'The Kennedys'"

January 2011

Week 4:
January 28th / 30th
"City of Winston-Salem Must Prevent Loss of Teachers"
Week 3:
January 21st / 23rd
"The Dangers of Political Hate Speech"
Week 2:
January 14th / 16th
"Anne Francis: Passing of a Glamorous Pioneer"
Week 1:
January 7th / 9th
"Obama, like Nixon, Committed Sports Error"

Table of Contents for January-September 2013

Table of Contents for July-December 2012

Table of Contents for January-June 2012

Table of Contents for July-December 2011

Table of Contents for January-June 2011

Table of Contents for July-December 2010

Table of Contents for January-June 2010

Table of Contents for July-December 2009

Table of Contents for January-June 2009

Table of Contents for July-December 2008

Table of Contents for January-June 2008

Table of Contents for January-June 2008

Table of Contents for July-December 2007

Table of Contents for January-June 2007

Table of Contents for September-December 2006