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Table of Contents

December 2011

Week 5:
December 30th, 2011 / January 1st, 2012
"DWI Ruling Neither Political Nor Prudent"
Week 4:
December 23rd / 25th
"Deer Guverner Purrdoo"
Week 3:
December 16th / 18th
"Perry’s Part-Time Congress has Merit"
Week 2:
December 9th / 11th
"Americans Should Stay in America for Awhile"
Week 1:
December 2nd / 4th
"2011 Full of Ridiculous Ironies"

November 2011

Week 4:
November 25th / 27th
"Dan ‘Rolf ’ Truhitte: Still Making Music"
Week 3:
November 18th / 20th
"US Airways' Doug Parker is Man of the Year"
Week 2:
November 11th / 13th
"Mr. Ed, Wilbur and Marilyn Monroe"
Week 1:
November 4th / 6th
"Greetings from Blue Cross/Blue Shield"

October 2011

Week 4:
October 28th / 30th
"Twin City Should Crow Less, Do More"
Week 3:
October 21st / 23rd
"Presidential Scales Didn't Tip in Christie's Favor"
Week 2:
October 14th / 16th
No commentary for this week.
Week 1:
October 7th / 9th
"Bev Perdue Starts a Tire Fire"

September 2011

Week 5:
Sept. 30th / Oct. 2nd
"EMMY Telecast Needs Improvement"
Week 4:
September 23rd / 25th
"Year of the Weird"
Week 3:
September 16th / 18th
"'Magician' Bev Perdue's Beltway Trick"
Week 2:
September 9th / 11th
"Is Barack Obama a Failure?"
Week 1:
September 2nd / 4th
"Guilford Fuel Contract Ignites Controversy"

August 2011

Week 4:
August 26h / 28th
"One On One with Pat McCrory"
Week 3:
August 19th / 21st
"Lawmakers Give Lip Service to Sterilization"
Week 2:
August 12th / 14th
"Corporate Tax Law: Stupid is as Stupid Does"
Week 1:
August 5th / 7th
"Young Flash Mobbers Must Do Hard Time"

July 2011

Week 5:
July 29th / 31st
"Princess Anorexia is a Bad Role Model"
Week 4:
July 22nd / 24th
"America Needs FDR's 'Second Bill of Rights'"
Week 3:
July 15th / 17th
"Screen Sirens Descend Upon Winston-Salem"
Week 2:
July 8th / 10th
1. "Gay Pride Kiss"
2. "Shirley Jones To Visit the Triad Fully Clothed"
Week 1:
July 1st / 3rd
"Deer Republickin Lawmakers"

June 2011

Week 4:
June 24th / 26th
"The Last Picture Show Celebrates Anniversary"
Week 3:
June 17th / 19th
"Doctor Obama's 'Bump in the Road'"
Week 2:
June 10th / 12th
"Peter the Great: The Man Who Slept With Frankenstein"
Week 1:
June 3rd / 5th
"Weiner Roast : Battle of the Bulge"

Table of Contents for January-September 2013

Table of Contents for July-December 2012

Table of Contents for January-June 2012

Table of Contents for July-December 2011

Table of Contents for January-June 2011

Table of Contents for July-December 2010

Table of Contents for January-June 2010

Table of Contents for July-December 2009

Table of Contents for January-June 2009

Table of Contents for July-December 2008

Table of Contents for January-June 2008

Table of Contents for January-June 2008

Table of Contents for July-December 2007

Table of Contents for January-June 2007

Table of Contents for September-December 2006