Ursula Dudley Oglesby
Ursula Dudley Oglesby, President of Dudley Beauty Corp, LLC is a well-respected business leader and humanitarian. As part of the second generation of Dudley, she has taken the responsibility of developing and executing all of the company’s long-term growth strategies, launching new brand initiatives, recruiting A Players for the company, and defining Dudley as the premier beauty company for the multi-cultural market.
Oglesby began working at the Dudley Beauty Center in Greensboro at the age of 7, as a cashier and even selling products door-to-door in her neighborhood. By the age of 10, she was an entrepreneur and sold popcorn, fruit, and pantyhose. She continued to work as a teen in all facets of Dudley Products, Inc. including selling door-to-door, working in the factory, and as the receptionist.
Upon graduation from law school and admittance to the NC State Bar in 1991, Oglesby became General Counsel Director of Customer Service, managing 8 employees and a warehousing and shipping facility. In 1991, her father, Joe Dudley, Sr. asked Oglesby to extend Dudley’s dominance in the beauty market by creating a cosmetics line. The result, Dudley Products Cosmetics, launched in 1992 with 57 products. The line now includes over 250 products with a full line of skin care, cosmeceuticals, foundations, cosmetics, and products for men. The development process included national makeup artists such as Derrick Rutledge & Bethlehem Mekonnen, experienced product developers, chemists, and everyday women to create a full line of cosmetics for the multi-cultural woman.
From 1993 to 2003, Oglesby ascended to senior level positions within Dudley’s product marketing group, Dudley Cosmetology University, and in 2003 became Chief Operating Officer of Dudley Products, Inc. In 2008, she became President of Dudley Beauty Corp, LLC. to continue the legacy of her parents, Joe & Eunice Dudley.
Ursula Dudley Oglesby is a long-time member of Providence Baptist Church, and a member of the Trustee Board. She is married to Mark Oglesby and is the mother of two beautiful children, Mark Jr. & Elena.